Francis Amelry: The Path to Spiritual Maturity
Elizabeth Hense - Joseph Chalmers, ed. Francis Amelry: The Path to Spiritual Maturity
Edizione Carmelitane - 2020 - ISBN: 978-88-7288-0192-7 – 193 pages
Francis Amelry (ca 1550) was the most influential Carmelite author of his time in Flanders. However, as a result of the religious wars of the sixteenth century, his name and his works were forgotten soon after his death and were only rediscovered halfway through the 20th century.
The main works of Francis Amelry are his Seven Letters to an unknown female directee and his mystagogical Dialogue between the Soul and Her Nurse. Both of these works are now translated into English and completed with an introduction into the life and works of this rather unknown, but particularly fascinating Carmelite author.