Master of the Sacred Page
Essays in Honor of Roland E. Murphy, 0. Cann., on the Occas:ion of His Eightiieth Bjrthday.
Master of the Sacred Page honors Father Roland's zeal for the Word of God and his contribution
to the Church as a Carmelite, teacher, and scholar. This volume includes two recent interviews in which Fr. Murphy recalls his personal history and reflects on important developments in the Church in this
century, such as the irnpact of Divino Afflante Spiritu and the changes in Catholic biblical scholarship
occasioned by the Second Vatican Counci'L It also contains scholarly articles of bibliical and Carmeliite interest, including studies on Saint Therese of Lisieux in this centennial year of her death. Carmelites who
have known him as teacher and brother reflect on his influence in their lives wiith hearttelt remembrances. An up-to-date bibliography of Father Murphy's publications appears in these pages. Liike the great medieval biblical scholars, Father Roland Murphy has been a Master of the Sacred Page for the Carmelite
family and for countless other students of the Bible. This volume celebrates his eighty years of life and his dedication to interpreting the Word of God for the Church.
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