Walk with Us: Growing in the Contemplative Dimension of One’s Life
Benny Phang Khong Wing, O. Carm., ed. Walk with Us: Growing in the Contemplative Dimension of One’s Life
Edizioni Carmelitane - 2020 - Printed Edition ISBN: 978-88-7288-194-1 - 176 pages
This book is a collection of talks given at the International Course for Formators and Vocation Promoters of the Order held in Malang, Indonesia on October 31-November 12, 2016. Fifty formators and vocation promoters of the Order from 18 countries participated.
Our transformational process can come about in different ways: by the discovery of personal strength, by a person’s unanticipated failure, or as the experience of one’s own sinfulness. The call to Carmel is a journey of “pure, naked, dark faith,” and Carmelites as people of faith respond to and integrate these experiences into their adult lives, describing them as both a natural development and a surprisingly grace-filled event. Thus, attentiveness to one’s human development throughout one’s life as a Carmelite is fundamental to ongoing formation in Carmel. Religious growth and transformation are seen in terms of a Carmelite’s maturing sense of: identity as a person and as one called to live a “life in allegiance to Jesus Christ,” growing in the contemplative dimension of one’s life; the ability to love and give of oneself in the context of community living; the capacity for responsible care and stewardship, expressed in “service in the midst of the people.”
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