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EBooks - NEW!

The following publications are available as ebooks on the Apple® Books Store or Amazon® Kindle. Click on the Apple® Books logo or Amazon® logo to purchase:

Carmelite Propers of the Liturgy of the Hours


Proper prayers for the Liturgy of the Hours to be used by members of the Carmelite Order

Immersed in Mystery: Articles for an Interior Life


The articles in Immersed in Mystery present transformations that result from living a spiritual life. The Paschal Mystery, the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord, emerges as a basic pattern necessary for a mature faith.


Carmel Notes


The Carmelite tradition encourages a listening heart, a contemplative attention to God's merciful presence. This book provides the reader with resources for an interior, spiritual life.


A Spirituality of Truth


The present work focuses on the notion of Truth, hence the title 'Spirituality of Truth," parting especially from Teresa's reflections on this regard in her Book of Life, 40. The result is a renewed comprehension on the love of wisdom going beyond a purely rational understanding of the same into something more experiential and dynamic.


Let Yourself Be Loved


Diminishing the gospel message is a practice that is as old as apostolic times. We need only think of the difficulties that St. Paul encountered in Galatia and Corinth. Sometimes the problem results from that all too common tendency among humans to hear only what we want to hear. We also have to face up to the fact, however, that often, although certainly not always, what is presented as the gospel is merely a watered-down version of it.


Singing the Mercies of the Lord


To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and the 100th anniversary of her beatification, Carmelite Media is proud to make available Singing the Mecies of the Lord: Writigs on Saint Thérèse of Lisieux by Brian J. Nolan, a lifelong devotee of the French Carmelite. This book, edited by his son, Carmelite Simon Nolan, provides a wonderful introduction into the spirituality of St. Thérèse and some of the familial influences on her. 


Christ Our Perfection


The overall purpose of this book examines the Christological spirituality of the Servant of God Fr Avertan Fenech, Carmelite, in his writings and life. 


The Goad, the Flames, The Arrows, and the Mirror of Divine Love


The Goad, the Flames, the Arrows and the Mirror of Divine Love, was dictated by Br. John of Saint-Samson in 1629, upon request of his friend Msgr. Antoine Révol, bishop of Dol, for personal guidance in the spiritual life 


Fr. Rudolph Scerri: Carmelite on a Mission


The autobiography of Carmelite priest, Rudolf Anthony Scerri. Reacting to "the request of several kind persons both within the Order and outside," Fr. Scerri captures on paper "a few reminiscences, a few events and people that stand out in my failing memory.” 

Exercise of Loving Solitary Spirits in their Solitudes


In this set of 30 meditations, John of Saint Samson invites us to listen in on his prayers of aspirations as we make our way through the liturgical year and through the various Mysteries of Christ and His Church.

The Price of Truth: Titus Brandsma, Carmelite


This is the biography of a Carmelite, born in Bolsward (The Netherlands) in 1881, who dies in the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany in 1942 and is beatified as a martyr for the Catholic faith by Pope John Paul II on November 3, 1985.


The Collected Works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. I: Mysticism in Action


The Dutch Carmelite and professor of philosophy Titus Brandsma, born in Friesland in 1881 and murdered in the Dachau concentration camp in 1942, did groundbreaking work in the field of Dutch mysticism. This book gives an insight into his scholarly work, his social commitment and his personal relationships. 


The Collected Works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. II: Letters to the Family


In this volume, all preserved letters and cards are presented in chronological order and placed in their context. The correspondence to the family begins in 1895 and ends in 1942, when the sixty-one-
year-old Titus was imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp, where he died after a short stay. 


The Collected Works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. 3: Writings from Prison


The Dutch Carmelite priest and professor of philosophy, Titus Brandsma, was one of the public personalities in The Netherlands who dared to openly resist the National Socialist ideology of Hitler’s Germany. He insisted on the freedom of the Catholic press to refuse to print Nazi propaganda. Fr. Titus was duly arrested on January 20, 1942, and spent time in several prisons and concentration camps until his death in Dachau on July 26, 1942. 


The Collected Works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. 4: Mysticism-Fundamentals and Characteristic Features


The Dutch Carmelite priest and professor of philosophy, Titus Brandsma, did groundbreaking work on mysticism. He built up a photographic collection of Middle Dutch manuscripts of spiritual literature, each photographed manuscript being accompanied by a description and some information about its spiritual contents. 


The Collected Works of Titus Brandsma, Vol. 5: Letters to Publishers


In this volume, we present all letters to Paul Brand and Het Spectrum written between 1917 and 1942 in chronological order and placed in their contexts. 


Silent Presence: Discernment as Process and Problem


Spiritual directors, formators, and anyone in- terested in living a deeper spiritual life under the guid- ance of the Holy Spirit, will find Silent Presence and its appended essay insightful and inspiring.

Springs of Carmel: An Introduction to Carmelite Spirituality


In this book, Peter Slattery gives a refreshing account of the Carmelite spiritual tradition and the important people who have shaped its history, including Elijah, Mary, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, Titus Brandsma, and Edith Stein.

Carmel and Music


This book is an invitation to explore the theme of Carmel and music. In some cases, it deals with Carmelites who were themselves musicians and composers such as Bartolino da Padova, John Hothby, Giovanni Bonadies, Manuel Cardoso, Benedictus Buns and Hermann Cohen, all of whom are receiving greater attention in recent years and are included in this volume.

Elijah: Inner Fire, Outward Zeal


The Talks and Program from the 2019 Lay Carmelite Convocation.
Chicago, Illinois | July 19-21, 2019