The Carmelite Rule. Proceedings of the Lisieux Conference. 4-7 July 2005
A handsomely produced book which makes available scholarly presentations on the Carmelite Rule that were delivered at a conference held in Lisieux, France, July 4-7, 2005. The conference and book commemorates the 800th anniversary in 2007 of the giving by St. Albert of Jerusalem of the Carmelite Formula vitae that became the official Rule of the Order in 1247.
Twenty of the twenty-two essays are by OCARM scholars. Two are by OCD scholars-- a priest and a nun. One essay is by a lay scholar. Thirteen of the contributions are in English, seven are in Italian, and one each in Spanish and Portuguese.
The essays explore the Carmelite Rule from the historical, hermeneutical, exegetical, biographical, contextual, comparative, spiritual, as well as other perspectives.
Hardcover.629 pp.